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About us

We are running out of time. Scientists are warning with growing urgency that our “carbon budget” to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C may be used up within this decade. Political will is crucial to advance toward a clean economy at the speed and scale required to prevent a climate catastrophe. If we are going to make the transition to global net zero in time, politicians have to act. 


The Climate Parliament is a global network of legislators working to inform and mobilise Members of Parliament and Congress to take action on the climate emergency. We focus particularly on the small number of MPs who are ready to exercise leadership in their parliaments on this issue.


Our work focuses on climate ambition, energy access, large-scale renewable energy, green grids and sustainable transport. We organise international face to face and virtual parliamentary roundtable meetings on different aspects of the climate agenda. Leading experts brief the legislators, and recommendations for parliamentary action are discussed. MPs learn about the successes and targets of other countries, and then work to encourage their own governments to move faster. 


We are a cross-party network and collaborate with legislators from all mainstream political parties, seeking a balanced representation of gender, age, and political background. Since 2012 we have informed and motivated more than 2000 MPs in 121 different countries, achieving extraordinary results. In the past three years, 40% of MPs participating in our activities were women.

Climate Parliament Belgium is a registered non-profit ASBL

Climate Parliament UK is a registered charity

Climate Parliament US is a 501c3 public charity                                                          

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