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In person events
Large investments in UK-Morocco power cable project, Xlinks
SMART Cooking event, Dinokeng, 13&14 February 2023
GGIA meeting - supporting projects in Southern Africa
Green grids in Southern and East Africa, Dinokeng, 19&20 February 2023
Parliamentary discussions on climate negotiations and green grids, Dinokeng, 15-18 February 2023
New partnership with AI startup will provide free data resources to support climate legislation
Roundtable with the newly created Algerian parliamentary network on environment and climate
APWG Bangkok meeting
Green Grids at COP27
South Asian Parliamentarians’ Meeting with Indian Environment Minister at CoP27
South Asian Parliamentarians’ Meet at CoP 27 to Advance Regional Energy Cooperation
Global Clean Energy Action Forum 2022
MPs from Ghana discuss climate change legislation
Egyptian MPs share their expectations for COP27 and the upcoming Climate Parliament Forum in Luxor
Francophone MPs discuss the issue of gender and energy access
Luxor forum: how to build a new global energy system?
The role of the private sector in the deployment of renewable energy minigrids in Africa
Nigerian MPs discuss the price of renewable energy
Multisectoral approaches to clean cooking in Africa
Green hydrogen to power local industries in Africa
Renewable energy interconnections in the Southern African region
MPs from nine African countries share experiences on gender and access to energy
The road to the decarbonisation of transport in Africa
MPs discuss green bonds as a key tool to fund renewable energy infrastructure in Africa
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