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Liberian MPs discuss climate change effects in their constituencies
MPs discuss policy options for rural electrification in Africa
MPs from Zimbabwe discuss Climate Change Bill and climate impacts in their country
Policy options for rural electrification in Francophone Africa
Parliamentary Roundtable on South Asia Regional Cooperation on Energy
African legislators learn about the Nigerian Climate Law
Green grids can deliver clean energy on the scale demanded by IPCC report
MPs from Malawi discuss climate change effects in their constituencies and risk-management solutions
African and South Asian MPs explore ways to promote climate finance for green grid investments
MPs share thoughts on the challenges and opportunities for renewable energy in Bhutan
GGI Ecosystem retreat: developing the action agenda
Parliamentarians from Africa exchange views on their role to develop clean energy interconnection
Other African countries set to follow the path of Nigeria and Uganda groundbreaking climate laws
The potential for renewable energy interconnections in South Asia
African MPs discuss the potential of auctions for procurement of renewable energy
Legislators from Sierra Leone discuss climate change impacts and threats to their country
Energy interconnection between India and the Gulf
Infinite Global announces pro bono partnership with the Climate Parliament
Egyptian MPs discuss climate issues and opportunities in their country
Climate Compatible Growth COP26 Side events
Green Grids Initiative - Ministerial event
The Green Grids Initiative has been launched, now the real work begins !
Historic Climate Change Law passes in Nigeria
Climate Parliament at COP26
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