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Our Achievements

Nigeria's Climate Change Bill 

Nigeria’s Climate Change Bill, which provides a legal framework for Nigeria's efforts on mitigation and adaptation, was passed by the House of Representatives in July 2021. Our group in Nigeria played a key role in the final negotiations and drafting of the law.

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Uganda's Climate Change Bill 

This law, which provides a comprehensive framework for climate action in Uganda, was voted by Parliament in April 2021. The Climate Parliament group in Uganda, led by Hon. Lawrence Biyika Songa, was instrumental to this legislation.


Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) 

The Climate Parliament collaborates on international partnerships with this programme funded by the UK's Foreign Development and Commonwealth Office to support investment in sustainable energy and transport in the Global South.


An additional $800 million a year for renewable energy in India

Our group of MPs in India played a key role in increasing the budget of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) over three years from US$200 million to $1 billion annually.

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Collaboration with the Pan-African Parliament

We have teamed up with the PAP to implement a series of virtual parliamentary roundtables to engage African MPs on climate and energy issues.

Image by Latrach Med Jamil
Constitutional amendment and renewable energy law In Tunisia

Both initiatives were proposed and championed by Climate Parliament MPs.

Image by Jeroen van de Water
Solar tax exemptions in Tanzania and Morocco

The Climate Parliament MPs played a key role in removing value-added tax from solar equipment.

Village renewables in India 

Solar mini-grids have been built in 50 villages in the state of Bihar as a result of our work. Villages in Odisha and Karnataka are also plugging into the sun with support from Local Area Development funds available to their local MPs.

Image by zhang kaiyv
China’s global Interconnection initiative

The Climate Parliament is a member of the board of the Beijing-based GlobalEnergy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO).

Renewable energy agency in Bangladesh

The Climate Parliament group successfully pressed for legislation establishing a Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), to oversee all renewable energy development and financing.

Image by Kin Li
Strengthening China’s renewable energy law

We teamed up with the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association to launch an effort to strengthen China’s renewable energy law. 96 Members of the National People’s Congress signed a resolution supporting this initiative.

Image by Guillaume Périgois
€3 billion in the EU budget for electricity inter-connectors

Our group in the European Parliament succeeded in protecting at least €3 billion from the Connecting Europe Facility in the EU budget for cross-border electricity inter-connectors. Most of these funds would otherwise have been spent on gas pipelines.

International Solar Alliance (ISA)

The Climate Parliament has signed a collaboration agreement to provide parliamentary support to ISA, an alliance of countries led by India and France that aims to facilitate massive deployment of solar energy.

Solar water pumps in villages in Tanzania

Built after a local MP learned about such pumps at a Climate Parliament meeting.

Climate Parliament Belgium is a registered non-profit ASBL

Climate Parliament UK is a registered charity

Climate Parliament US is a 501c3 public charity                                                          

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