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Watch our new video on fossil subsidies

We're delighted to announce that our latest animation is now online! The five minute video, produced as part of our Parliamentary Action on Renewable Energy project and in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, concentrates on the huge fossil fuel subsidies that help prop up dirty and outdated coal, oil, and gas industries around the world, thus contributing to the destruction of the climate.

Every day, all around the world, vast sums are changing hands in the huge river of money that makes up the global financial system. Currently, far too much of this cash is flowing into the pockets of fossil fuel industries, fuelling dangerous climate change. We need to divert these fossil fuel subsidies to investing in clean, green, renewable energy from sun, wind and water.

That's why the Climate Parliament and the United Nations Development Programme are working together to help the world's legislators develop new laws to help accelerate the renewable energy revolution. Find out more by watching the video here.

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