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Welcome to our new staff members

We're delighted to announce that the Climate Parliament Secretariat is expanding, as we welcome two new Directors to the team: Dr Sanjay Kumar, who joins the Global Team as Executive Director; and Dr Sergio Missana, who will be heading up our work west of the Atlantic as our new Director for Latin America, based in Chile.

Both are distinguished scholars with considerable experience in several major international NGOs and development institutions. Sanjay has served in senior positions in the government at both federal and provincial levels as a member of the Indian Forest Service since 1984, as well as working for a wide range of institutions around the world, including the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the UK Department for International Development. Sergio, meanwhile, has served as Director of Publications and Head of International Relations at the BBVA Foundation in Madrid and as a member of the Governing Council of the European Foundation Centre (EFC), Brussels. He was the Director of International Projects at ESEO, a Chilean NGO working on capacity building in academic literacy in Africa, and was an editor of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report on human rights abuses committed by Chile’s military dictatorship between 1973 and 1990. We look forward to working with them to develop Climate Parliament's work around the world. Welcome to the team!

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