At the UN climate talks currently underway in Paris, a delegation of 5 Climate Parliament MPs, representing 5 different Indian political parties, submitted a signed Climate Change Mission Statement to India's chief negotiator, the Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar. Calling for a strong and effective global agreement to limit global temperature rises, the statement also urged the Indian Government to develop national legislative and policy instruments in order to realise India's commitments in a fair, equitable and cost effective manner.
The MPs, through the statement, committed to support the Government in such national initiatives as well as undertake implementation of low carbon development projects in their individual constituencies and support global efforts towards climate change mitigation.
Read the full statement here.
Climate Parliament India Statement on COP21, Paris
Preamble: Climate change is one of the greatest challenges faced by humanity today. Currently India is experiencing vagaries of climate extremes in its cities as well villages. Further, studies have estimated that over the last 14 years, India has faced more than hundred instances of major flooding, nearly fifty instances of cyclones and above twenty instances of heat and cold waves, along with several instances of major drought. Hence, we believe that climate change is not only aggravating in India but is also impacting us hugely.
The international agreement in Paris can potentially bring a paradigm shift in the ways the world has been dealing with climate change in the past century. It will also have far-reaching implications on various sectors like, energy, transport, industry, buildings and others.
Statement: Thus as concerned representatives of the people of our country, we the Climate Parliament Network of Legislators in India, urge the international community and our national Government to work towards:
Achieving an effective and equitable agreement in Paris:
Globally, scientists have reiterated the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C, to prevent catastrophic outcomes. Yet, studies have warned that our current trajectory will lead to warming estimated in the range of 3.7–4.8°C over the 21st century. The current contributions offered by all countries also do not meet the desired temperature target. This has to be avoided at any cost by drastically cutting down GHG emissions due to anthropogenic (human) activity. Thus, we Indian legislators urge the global negotiators and representatives from different national Governments participating in COP 21, to achieve an agreement in Paris, which ensures a rapid reduction in carbon emissions globally and keep global warming below 2°C.
It is also essential that the agreement achieved in Paris gives equal focus to adaptation as compared to mitigation. Especially, in case of developing countries like India and the small island nations, adaptation to climate change is extremely essential. Thus, we seek cooperation from the international community to provide sufficient support to the developing countries under this agreement, to increase their adaptive capacity.
Taking suitable initiatives at National/Domestic level:
We commit to motivate our national and state Governments to promote inclusive and sustainable development in India, by ensuring synergy between economic growth and environmentally sustainability.
We also commit to work towards the establishment of suitable legislative, regulatory, policy and financial measures for ensuring large scale use and dissemination of low carbon technologies and implementation of INDCs.
In keeping with the principle of an equitable growth domestically, we will also work towards to ensuring that the benefits and opportunities of development are accessible by all communities through a low carbon approach.
Enhancing low carbon development at local level: Given the immense influence legislators have at local level, we commit that:
In our respective constituencies, we shall encourage future planning and development taking into considering the resilience to climate change and adaptive capacity.
Demonstrate, implement and scale up low carbon development projects in our constituencies and state, to strengthen the overall development programs and climate mitigation.
Create awareness and build understanding about climate change and other environmental issues among the local population.
Promote uptake of sustainable consumption, natural resource conservation and waste management practices by the citizens of the country.
1. This declaration/statement will have no legal effect as it is not intended to be legally binding nor will it impose any legal obligations on signatories. 2. Signing this statement by the Parliamentarians and Legislators in India is a way to show their commitment to address the causes and consequences of climate change at the central and state level. It represents a broad public statement that the network would like to make while indicating their responsibility and commitment to take action.
Informed: Information about global climate change and its impacts across various sectors is continually emerging. Signatories need to stay informed and be aware of opportunities and risks it poses.
Take responsibility, collaborate and engage: By signing this statement, Parliamentarians and legislators join a common effort to address climate change. They shall actively engage with a wider set of stakeholders to strengthen institutions and supportive frameworks for accelerating low carbon development strategies in the country.