New Delhi. On the 5th December 2016, the Indian capital witnessed the launch of the Legislators-Business Forum, jointly organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the Climate Parliament India. The launch was attended by eminent parliamentarians, CEOs and CSR heads of companies, who are currently are implementing low-carbon solutions. They provided insights on how industry can collaborate with legislators to execute low carbon projects on the ground in the various geographies encompassing the legislative constituencies.
The Forum draws its’ inspiration from the global commitments on Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Agreement and intends to draw attention towards scaling local actions. The aim of this Forum is to focus attention on developing and updating knowhow of Legislators and businesses about latest developments on clean energy technologies with special focus on decentralized renewable energy systems, as well as other low carbon solutions in waste management, water and sanitation.
“The Forum is being launched at a crucial time when India needs to balance its economic growth imperatives with environmental sustainability. Decentralized low-carbon solutions targeted at rural, remote and marginalized populations are key catalysts for India’s inclusive growth, keeping our development deficit in mind”, Dr A Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI.
“The need of the hour is to build on successful service and entrepreneurship models towards the private provisioning of public goods, where this Forum could help push local entrepreneurship by legislators and in turn help in creating jobs and wealth for huge chunk of the population” Ms Naina lal Kidwai, Past President FICCI and Chairman Max Financial services.

“I believe, this endeavor can escalate the potential to scale up low carbon growth exponentially, this Business Forum will not only showcase the our collective resolve in climate change, but also promote a ‘ bottom up’ low carbon growth” Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Hon’ble Minister of State(IC), Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.
“India is leading from the front in terms of carrying out the most massive renewable energy expansion program in the world. The share of LED lighting has moved from 0.2% to 16% in India. Going forward, this forum should expand its’ engagement to press, public, businesses, policy makers, and state legislators to encourage others. Moreover, there is a need to change the mindset of India that everything needs to rest on the laurels of subsidies, but instead could be made in to economically viable projects” Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister(IC) for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy and Mines.