Climate Parliament MPs in Chile have sent letters to the Minister of Environment, Pablo Badenier, and the Minister of Energy, Andrés Rebolledo, requesting a dialogue between multiple stakeholders –including the Government, Congress, civil society, industry and experts– to explore revising Chile’s current non-conventional renewable energy target (from 20% to 30% by 2025) and renewable energy target, which includes large hydro (from 70% to 100% by 2050). The letters also propose to take steps to promote the electrification of transport using Chile’s abundant and affordable clean energy resources. The letters stress the facts that Chile is very vulnerable to the effects of climate change, it has the best solar radiation resources in the world in the Atacama Desert –having set prize records for both PV ($29 MWh) and CSP ($65 MWh) in August 2016– and is a fossil fuel importing country. The letters have been signed by 15 Senators and Deputies from across the political spectrum and constitute an expression of strong multi-partisan political will to continue advancing the renewable energy revolution in Chile.