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New Toolkit Released for Legislators Working on Renewable Energy

Today, Climate Parliament released a toolkit of policy documents for legislators in Africa, as part of the Parliamentary Action on Renewable Energy project. This was a joint initiative between Climate Parliament and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which concluded its second pilot phase ("PARE II") in September 2017.

The toolkit contains policy ideas, example parliamentary questions and model documentation specific to Francophone West Africa, but all the resources are relevant for legislators worldwide, as well as others working in the energy sector.

These resources are largely a result of the events Climate Parliament has hosted during the course of the project. Such events enable MPs to reflect on their experience working on renewable energy legislation in a supportive atmosphere that seeks to strengthen legislation and coordinate advocacy efforts.

Working alongside UNDP, Climate Parliament build the capacity of parliamentarians to advocate for the renewable energy sector, and to promote the reform of policies and regulations to encourage investment in renewable energy generation capacity. The project has lead to a wealth of policy analysis and ideas, which are compiled in this document. It is hoped that the toolkit will be of use to others working across the world to develop this vital industry, and help combat climate change.

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