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Climate Parliament at COP26

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

On November 2nd, 2021, a new high-level coalition for clean energy was announced at the Glasgow climate summit, involving governments, international organisations, legislators, business leaders, researchers, and citizen groups. This coalition includes a group of governments called the Green Grids Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid. It was announced by summit host PM Boris Johnson and Indian PM Narendra Modi. In the presence of other heads of government including US President Biden, the two Prime Ministers presented a One Sun Declaration, endorsed by more than 80 countries, setting out the group’s aims.

To coincide, the Climate Parliament organised a virtual event that brought together civil society, legislators, CEO’s, experts, researchers and activists, to accelerate the construction of the new infrastructure needed for a world powered by clean energy. That infrastructure includes massively expanded renewable energy generation capacity in energy-rich locations, connected by continental grids. It also includes smart grids connecting millions of solar panels and charging points for electric vehicles, and micro-grids for rural communities and to ensure resilience during extreme weather.

The announcement of the Green Grids Initiative was followed by a ministerial event on November 4 in which the energy, environment and foreign affairs ministers of Australia, India, France, Nigeria, UK and the US announced their support to the initiative. Members of the Climate Parliament team and delegation attended as founders of the initiative.

The Climate Parliament delegation of India met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 2nd after the launch of the GGI-OSOWOG partnership at the COP26 World Leaders’ Summit.

The Climate Parliament delegation met at the Trades Hall in Glasgow. Parliamentarians from Bangladesh, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the UK attended. Participants shared their experience as parliamentarians in accelerating the transition to renewable energy in their countries and committed to greater collaboration. They established short terms goals to support their governments in implementing the commitments made at COP26 in Glasgow.

Parliamentarians from Côte d’Ivoire et République Démocratique du Congo and France gathered at the parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie. They discussed the role of parliamentarians in implementing climate goals as well as the importance of inter-parliamentary collaboration.

Amira Saber MP, Egypt and Barry Gardiner MP, UK met at the Egypt pavilion and exchanged ideas for climate action around the world, such as climate laws, carbon taxes and carbon trading mechanisms.

The Climate Parliament team met with MP Camilla Crescimbeni from Argentina and Eduardo Calderon de la Barca Quiroz from Peru to discuss the involvement of South American parliamentarians in the Green Grids Initiative.


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