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Istanbul Green Zones Investment Dialogue

GREEN ZONES, economic opportunities in a warming world

8-10 November 

Location: Istanbul, Türkiye 

As the world strives toward a low-carbon future, the need for climate finance has never been more urgent. Ahead of COP29, organized by Climate Parliament and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and held under the Parliamentarians for Climate Finance project, the Istanbul Green Investment Dialogue is a unique opportunity to bring together financial experts with influential Members of Parliament and Congress from 42 countries. The dialogue will focus on practical strategies for unlocking funds, and the policy and legal frameworks needed to encourage investment in low-carbon industries. It will enable both parliamentarians and experts to have input into the concept of Green Zones to attract investment, which will be a centerpiece of the Parliamentarians for Climate Finance project over the next two years. With climate change presenting both an existential threat and a transformative economic opportunity, this dialogue aims to empower legislators to become champions of green investment in their countries.  


The Istanbul Dialogue is generously supported by the Green Climate Fund (Parliamentarians for  

Climate Finance), the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme, the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group and other Climate Parliament partners.



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