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New partnership with AI startup will provide free data resources to support climate legislation

The Climate Parliament and AI startup Climate Policy Radar announce their partnership to provide legislators and policymakers worldwide with data and knowledge resources to help advance timely, ambitious and effective climate action, and enhance the role of legislators in the implementation of the Paris Agreement in the run up to COP28 and beyond.

Together they will generate and offer information on climate change strategies - laws, policies and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). This will support shared learning and ideation between legislators from different nations, enabling leaders to draw on each other’s experiences, best practices and successes. And by allowing the comparison of rules and commitments across regions and nations, the work will help to highlight law and policy gaps, and opportunities for action.

Central to this will be efforts to strengthen the capacity of and drive the involvement of MPs in the implementation of NDCs - pledges to slash emissions and adapt to climate change - which are core to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The Climate Parliament convenes legislators from across the globe through regular events such as parliamentary roundtables. Across these events the partners will collaborate to use Climate Policy Radar’s tools, including its open data resource on climate laws and policies worldwide, to identify and share evidence on the state of play of climate legislation on climate and energy issues, and generate insights that can empower parliamentarians to scale-up efforts to tackle climate change.

The Climate Parliament is a global network of legislators working to inform and mobilise Members of Parliament and Congress to take action on the climate emergency. Climate Policy Radar is a climate startup using data science and artificial intelligence to build research tools that open up information on climate laws, policies and case law globally, helping decision-makers design more effective climate change strategies.


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