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Santiago, September 2017

On 9-10 September the Climate Parliament hosted a regional parliamentary roundtable in Santiago, Chile, discussing energy integration and green grids in the Americas. At this high-level dialogue, legislators, experts and business leaders of the Americas shared actionable ideas on how to accelerate the transition to clean energy and electric transport across the region. In particular, this roundtable addressed the challenge of building the new smart grids at village, city, national and regional levels that are needed to complete a global transition to renewable energy by mid-century. The roundtable took place in the National Congress Building in Santiago.

The Climate Parliament’s Green Grid Initiative was the major focus of the Santiago parliamentary roundtable. This initiative is a three-tier project consisting of: the Green Grid Alliance, a South-South leadership group of 20 developing countries at the ministerial level; a Green Grid Network of national legislators and mayors of major cities from the participating countries; and a Green Grid Leadership Forum of business leaders from major companies involved in renewable energy, electric vehicles, IT and financial services, and grid construction, to provide ideas and advice to the governments and legislators. Twenty countries have expressed interest in participating in the Green Grid Alliance. The dialogue in Santiago featured prominently the seven Latin American countries that have indicated their interest. Participants also visited a nearby solar power generating station.

The parliamentary roundtable followed a side-event hosted by the Climate Parliament during the 3rd Ministerial of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas in Viña del Mar, Chile, on 7 September. This side-event featured prominent legislators from the region and senior representatives of the International Solar Alliance (ISA). It focused on the Climate Parliament’s strategy on energy integration and green grids in the Americas, and its collaboration with the ISA.

Please see below for the programme of the parliamentary roundtable on 9-10 September 2017. 

Updatepresentations and photos from the event are now available to view.

For further information, please contact


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